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Vase 20 cm Pauli Partanen Finlandia Modell PP Arabia Keramik

Artikelnummer QI-407

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* inkl. ges. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Hersteller: Arabia Finland
Form: -
Dekor: Finlandia Modell PP auf jeden Fall von Pauli Partanen
Sortierung: 1. Wahl
Zustand: in einem gepflegten Zustand
Höhe: 20 cm hoch - 18 cm niedrig
Öffnung: Länge 12 cm - schmalste Seite 5,5 cm


More information:

Pauli Partanen is designer of this vase, and it looks cery nice fie xample in same coffee table with Arctica dishes by Inkeri Leivo, but the vases name is Finlandia, model PP. Even more close to Arcticas outlook is an other vase by Partanen, Lumina. Finlandia vase was manufactured in two sizes, and both black and white - this info is taken from finnish Designmuseums web exhibition "Arabian tehtaan käyttökermiikkaa" - evereyday ceramics of A. factory, where is mentiond design year as 1986, and production time
1986 - 1989. Smaller F. vase is about 12 - 13 cm high